Accelerating Digitalisation

A Penang state-owned company that accelerates digital economy growth and engagement in the state since April 2020.

About Us

Digital Penang is a state-owned company that accelerates digital economy growth and engagement in the state since April 2020. Click to explore our pillars of digitalisation below.

We support tech startups, attract digital industry investments, and foster innovation.

Our vision for a Digital Society ensures every citizen has digital skills and access to technology.

The Digital Government initiative transforms public services, service centers through digitization.

By fostering a strong foundation in digital literacy, we prepare the next generation to thrive in.

Executive Summary 2023

"Strategic cross-sectoral partnerships served as the foundation for Digital Penang’s effort to accelerate the digital transformation of Penang in 2023."

- Message from Ts. Ng Kwang Ming, CEO of Digital Penang

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Building A Better Penang Together

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Digitalisation Is Fun!

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